Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Pastors Of L.A (Reality Show)
Pastors Of L.A (Reality Show)
For example: 1. God said of David that he was a man after His own heart. David never said that of himself. How can we then claim for ourselves the specific grace of God's dealings with the king when we don't bare any resemblance to the image of his unique testimony. 2. David was confronted and underwent tremendous repentance. Being restored after his fall, he did not remain in his state of rebellion (Psalm51). Living under the shadow of multiple scandals, lack of accountability, and constant defiance to any questioning or scrutiny by others, presents a very different attitude than that of King David when he was confronted by the prophet Nathan (Psalm32). David experienced incredible pain, suffering and consequences as a result of his disobedience--he did not go unpunished without any guilt. Few people like to talk about the deep agony of soul, the tremendous diminishing of emotional and physical health that the king experienced. His kingdom was divided, one of his own sons rebelled against him, there was constant distress in his household, and the child born from his adultery ended up dying as a result of the consequences to his sins. Not exactly a beautiful life to have after moral failure.
How convenient for the preacher to omit this facts, David very similar to Saul is one of many kings who nearly lost it all, if not for the mercy of God. The testimony of the scriptures was not given for the justification of our wickedness neither for the covering of our rebellion. It was given for our example, so we don't repeat, emulate or duplicate the mistakes of the past lest we suffer similar condemnation. (1Corinthians10:1-13). Preachers need the same forgiveness, restoration and redemption that is offered to all fallen human beings. Yet their restitution must be first to a state of real repentance and sincere devotion to their communion and relationship with God, not to a job a title or a position in their profession of ministry. The question of continuing office, service or ministry should fall under a different category in a secondary plain, only addressed after the person has truly gone thru a transformation of character and a real rededication to their commitment and consecration to God. He that desires the office of a bishop desires a good thing but the overseers, must first and foremost, be above reproach (1Timothy 3:1-7).
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Friday, July 26, 2013
Carta De Un Hermano Tibio?
Carta De Un Amigo
Hola ayer fui a la iglesia estuvo muy bien vi a mis amigos y a la muchacha que me gusta, la predica estuvo muy bien, la verdad el pastor contó unos chistes buenísimos como nos hizo reír.
Perdón no me presente mi nombre es “tibio” y pertenezco a la iglesia "dormida y apartada" mi pastor es buenísimo predicando los últimos best seller del mercado cristiano, recuerdo que una vez predico un joven de la iglesia llamado "fiel" su predicación fue muy diferente a las del pastor, hablo de santidad, compromiso, algo nuevo para todos, recuerdo como se enojo mi pastor con el, que porque había hablado de esa manera a la iglesia le dijo, jeje pobre "fiel" lo disciplinaron por eso.
Dentro de las cosas que fiel hablo recuerdo algunas que dijo como...
Hay que nacer de Nuevo
Hablo sobre la sangre de no se quien.... eso si se me olvido
Hablo sobre el perdón de pecados
Sobre el compromiso de vivir en santidad y honestidad
Hablo sobre el infierno algo que nunca había oído en mi vida!
Bueno creo que por eso lo regaño mi pastor, esos temas a quien le importan ahora, yo soy cristiano desde los 5 años, mis papas y yo siempre hemos ido a esta iglesia, mi papá es el copastor y nos dice que el pastor no es religioso que por eso estamos ahí, el no se escandaliza si alguien de la iglesia se emborracha o hace algo indebido, mientras valla a la iglesia el domingo y diezme no hay problema dice el.
Hay que hacer la iglesia atractiva nos dice, no hay que espantarla con sermones bíblicos, hay que darles el mensaje de una manera mas efectiva y alegre.
Dice que de la venida de cristo no nos preocupemos que falta mucho para eso, no puede venir todavía por la iglesia nos comenta.
Bueno me dio gusto saludarlos, espero pronto escribirles de nuevo, haber que día nos visitan tendremos un congreso sobre profecía y guerra espiritual y también un seminario de cómo ser prósperos en la crisis, lo dará un amigo de mi pastor, el profeta “orgullo” de la iglesia “vanidad”
Su amigo y hermano en cristo.
Hola ayer fui a la iglesia estuvo muy bien vi a mis amigos y a la muchacha que me gusta, la predica estuvo muy bien, la verdad el pastor contó unos chistes buenísimos como nos hizo reír.
Perdón no me presente mi nombre es “tibio” y pertenezco a la iglesia "dormida y apartada" mi pastor es buenísimo predicando los últimos best seller del mercado cristiano, recuerdo que una vez predico un joven de la iglesia llamado "fiel" su predicación fue muy diferente a las del pastor, hablo de santidad, compromiso, algo nuevo para todos, recuerdo como se enojo mi pastor con el, que porque había hablado de esa manera a la iglesia le dijo, jeje pobre "fiel" lo disciplinaron por eso.
Dentro de las cosas que fiel hablo recuerdo algunas que dijo como...
Hay que nacer de Nuevo
Hablo sobre la sangre de no se quien.... eso si se me olvido
Hablo sobre el perdón de pecados
Sobre el compromiso de vivir en santidad y honestidad
Hablo sobre el infierno algo que nunca había oído en mi vida!
Bueno creo que por eso lo regaño mi pastor, esos temas a quien le importan ahora, yo soy cristiano desde los 5 años, mis papas y yo siempre hemos ido a esta iglesia, mi papá es el copastor y nos dice que el pastor no es religioso que por eso estamos ahí, el no se escandaliza si alguien de la iglesia se emborracha o hace algo indebido, mientras valla a la iglesia el domingo y diezme no hay problema dice el.
Hay que hacer la iglesia atractiva nos dice, no hay que espantarla con sermones bíblicos, hay que darles el mensaje de una manera mas efectiva y alegre.
Dice que de la venida de cristo no nos preocupemos que falta mucho para eso, no puede venir todavía por la iglesia nos comenta.
Bueno me dio gusto saludarlos, espero pronto escribirles de nuevo, haber que día nos visitan tendremos un congreso sobre profecía y guerra espiritual y también un seminario de cómo ser prósperos en la crisis, lo dará un amigo de mi pastor, el profeta “orgullo” de la iglesia “vanidad”
Su amigo y hermano en cristo.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
"God loves Barabbas."
"God loves Barabbas."
I recently saw a message on YouTube that seemed to be getting a lot of buzz called "God loves Barrabas." I am sure that for most people at first glance, this word comes across as a beautiful exhortation about forgiveness mercy and reconciliation. Yet as I carefully listened to the preaching, I could not help but notice how subtle and crafty were the specific words chosen by the preacher delivering this sermon. "The love of God," he said, "is so inclusive, scandalous, wide, even when not being acknowledged by others etc..." These words are all common, coded statements used by speakers when they seek to announce incognito the doctrine of universalism. The belief that all will one day ultimately be saved by the love of God.
"We are all Barrabas," the preacher said, "Go on living your life because Jesus already paid it all. Why else,"the preacher argues, "would this name and his deeds be mention in relation to Christ in the scriptures if not to symbolize our lives that can now go on to be free from guilt even if we don't recognize what Jesus has done for us?" Well, I will argue that in the text of the scriptures, Barrabas does not represent how sinners, humanity or Christians can go free without guilt. To the contrary, this man's freedom exemplifies the apostasy of all those who rejected Christ's work and vision of salvation for Israel. He is like the old testament scape goat that was cut off, excommunicated from the congregation, never to return to the camp. He is not free from the guilt--he is condemned to forever carry the load and burden of all its evil (Leviticus 16).
The writers of the gospels are very careful to illustrate how this criminal represents the irony and confusion of how the masses did not understand Jesus' message. Very much like today, little or nothing has changed. See, Jesus was perceived as a threat to the Powers of Rome and a misleader of the Jewish nation. The truth was that Barrabas, not Jesus, was the real threat to the Roman empire, the actual revolutionary causing Israel to go astray into the kind of war that will cause the destruction of the nation. This was the very destruction that Jesus warned will come upon all the people unless they repented from pursuing their aspirations for revolution. The freedom of Barrabas constituted the abandonment of their Messiah and the ultimate down fall of the Hebrew people.
They should have followed Jesus' path and model of sacrifice, non-violence and self-denial, if they wanted his salvation and free gift of eternal life. They were supposed to repent, turn around from their evil ways and follow his example of the suffering servant on the cross. Did they repented? No, they asked for Barrabas and we are ironically still asking for the same today. They wanted to go on pursuing revolution and we like them desire to continue engaging in the corruptions of our sinful life-styles. Letting Barrabas go free was the judgement and condemnation of Israel and the rejection of Christs' work, sacrifice, and mission towards the Jews. Let his blood be upon us and our children the crowd said (Matt 27:15-26). The blood was indeed given for them and their children but not so they could go on unregenerate, unrepentant, and unchanged but so they could experience the transformation of Christ's power in a new way that will enable them to become God's true covenant people. This is the same mistake we are engaging on today, treating the blood and the sacrifice of Christ as something common that removes our shame but does not require our transformation. Consider this scripture:
Dear friends, if we deliberately continue sinning after we have received knowledge of the truth, there is no longer any sacrifice that will cover these sins. There is only the terrible expectation of God’s judgment and the raging fire that will consume his enemies. For anyone who refused to obey the law of Moses was put to death without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. Just think how much worse the punishment will be for those who have trampled on the Son of God, and have treated the blood of the covenant, which made us holy, as if it were common and unholy, and have insulted and disdained the Holy Spirit who brings God’s mercy to us. It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God. (Hebrews 10:26-29, 31 NLT)
I recently saw a message on YouTube that seemed to be getting a lot of buzz called "God loves Barrabas." I am sure that for most people at first glance, this word comes across as a beautiful exhortation about forgiveness mercy and reconciliation. Yet as I carefully listened to the preaching, I could not help but notice how subtle and crafty were the specific words chosen by the preacher delivering this sermon. "The love of God," he said, "is so inclusive, scandalous, wide, even when not being acknowledged by others etc..." These words are all common, coded statements used by speakers when they seek to announce incognito the doctrine of universalism. The belief that all will one day ultimately be saved by the love of God.
"We are all Barrabas," the preacher said, "Go on living your life because Jesus already paid it all. Why else,"the preacher argues, "would this name and his deeds be mention in relation to Christ in the scriptures if not to symbolize our lives that can now go on to be free from guilt even if we don't recognize what Jesus has done for us?" Well, I will argue that in the text of the scriptures, Barrabas does not represent how sinners, humanity or Christians can go free without guilt. To the contrary, this man's freedom exemplifies the apostasy of all those who rejected Christ's work and vision of salvation for Israel. He is like the old testament scape goat that was cut off, excommunicated from the congregation, never to return to the camp. He is not free from the guilt--he is condemned to forever carry the load and burden of all its evil (Leviticus 16).
The writers of the gospels are very careful to illustrate how this criminal represents the irony and confusion of how the masses did not understand Jesus' message. Very much like today, little or nothing has changed. See, Jesus was perceived as a threat to the Powers of Rome and a misleader of the Jewish nation. The truth was that Barrabas, not Jesus, was the real threat to the Roman empire, the actual revolutionary causing Israel to go astray into the kind of war that will cause the destruction of the nation. This was the very destruction that Jesus warned will come upon all the people unless they repented from pursuing their aspirations for revolution. The freedom of Barrabas constituted the abandonment of their Messiah and the ultimate down fall of the Hebrew people.
They should have followed Jesus' path and model of sacrifice, non-violence and self-denial, if they wanted his salvation and free gift of eternal life. They were supposed to repent, turn around from their evil ways and follow his example of the suffering servant on the cross. Did they repented? No, they asked for Barrabas and we are ironically still asking for the same today. They wanted to go on pursuing revolution and we like them desire to continue engaging in the corruptions of our sinful life-styles. Letting Barrabas go free was the judgement and condemnation of Israel and the rejection of Christs' work, sacrifice, and mission towards the Jews. Let his blood be upon us and our children the crowd said (Matt 27:15-26). The blood was indeed given for them and their children but not so they could go on unregenerate, unrepentant, and unchanged but so they could experience the transformation of Christ's power in a new way that will enable them to become God's true covenant people. This is the same mistake we are engaging on today, treating the blood and the sacrifice of Christ as something common that removes our shame but does not require our transformation. Consider this scripture:
Dear friends, if we deliberately continue sinning after we have received knowledge of the truth, there is no longer any sacrifice that will cover these sins. There is only the terrible expectation of God’s judgment and the raging fire that will consume his enemies. For anyone who refused to obey the law of Moses was put to death without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. Just think how much worse the punishment will be for those who have trampled on the Son of God, and have treated the blood of the covenant, which made us holy, as if it were common and unholy, and have insulted and disdained the Holy Spirit who brings God’s mercy to us. It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God. (Hebrews 10:26-29, 31 NLT)
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Pastor Of L.A ( Reality Show)
Would you let cameras inside your home, to record the intimate affairs taking place inside your own personal life? Would you engage in partnership with the world, to let secular producers create the image of Christianity they saw more marketable for their carnal agendas? Well, believe it or not, bishop Noel Jones and bishop Clerence McClendon are coming out with a new reality show call pastors of LA. Is anybody, anywhere capable of defending and justifying this latest act of mockery and ridicule of the Christian faith?
So let's give credit to bishop McClendon in a recent interview he tried to defend his latest reality show appearance. More impressively he even attempted to justified his behavior on scriptural grounds. Thou I sincerely appreciate that the bishop is still reading the bible, attempting to make decisions in his reading of the scriptures, this new revelation of his seemed hermeneuticaly flawed. According to McClendon people wanted to know where Jesus, this great prophet of Nazareth was living, so Jesus replied come and see(John 1:39).
There it is!! God wanted for pastors to have reality shows!! Really!? When Christ invited the people to his house he was speaking to disciples, who by the way were in the process of becoming his own followers for his inner circle. It was a very intimate, private and personal gesture that won their hearts over to encounter a deeper connection and relationship with Him.
The scripture Mccledon is using would actually make the opposite point that he is trying to convey. Christ actions were not public it was only for the ones who desire to know Him in his unique purpose, teaching and apostolic partnership. But even if we were to accept this text on grounds of principle as a validation for allowing cameras into your home. What did the disciples found in Christ house? Divorce? Carnality? Drama? Lavish life styles? No. They found the glory of God. They saw a holy and consecrated life upholding his vocation full of grace and truth. Not exactly what pastors of L A illustrate in their reality show. If you don't have anything to show of Christ virtue in your life then close the doors of your house.
So let's give credit to bishop McClendon in a recent interview he tried to defend his latest reality show appearance. More impressively he even attempted to justified his behavior on scriptural grounds. Thou I sincerely appreciate that the bishop is still reading the bible, attempting to make decisions in his reading of the scriptures, this new revelation of his seemed hermeneuticaly flawed. According to McClendon people wanted to know where Jesus, this great prophet of Nazareth was living, so Jesus replied come and see(John 1:39).
There it is!! God wanted for pastors to have reality shows!! Really!? When Christ invited the people to his house he was speaking to disciples, who by the way were in the process of becoming his own followers for his inner circle. It was a very intimate, private and personal gesture that won their hearts over to encounter a deeper connection and relationship with Him.
The scripture Mccledon is using would actually make the opposite point that he is trying to convey. Christ actions were not public it was only for the ones who desire to know Him in his unique purpose, teaching and apostolic partnership. But even if we were to accept this text on grounds of principle as a validation for allowing cameras into your home. What did the disciples found in Christ house? Divorce? Carnality? Drama? Lavish life styles? No. They found the glory of God. They saw a holy and consecrated life upholding his vocation full of grace and truth. Not exactly what pastors of L A illustrate in their reality show. If you don't have anything to show of Christ virtue in your life then close the doors of your house.
Monday, July 22, 2013
The Love Of God
I believe our God is hidden within every human relationship we encounter in life.
But often we fail to recognize the beauty power and truth of such reality, specially when we abuse and neglect the communion and fellowship with those that are close to us.
The truth is, the distance between us and God is easily seen and reflected in the distance we create between us and those around us. The more intimacy we experience with God the more openness you will encounter with those God appoints to your life.
Therefore segregation and isolation can only mean degradation and spiritual perversion.
Jesus gave us only one new commandment and none other is needed, in fact this one mandate covers all of the rest, including the first and greatest commandment of them all. Jesus said love one another as I have love you and with that alone you are truly and fully loving God.
With that alone you will fulfill all of the law and prophets put together.
But often we fail to recognize the beauty power and truth of such reality, specially when we abuse and neglect the communion and fellowship with those that are close to us.
The truth is, the distance between us and God is easily seen and reflected in the distance we create between us and those around us. The more intimacy we experience with God the more openness you will encounter with those God appoints to your life.
Therefore segregation and isolation can only mean degradation and spiritual perversion.
Jesus gave us only one new commandment and none other is needed, in fact this one mandate covers all of the rest, including the first and greatest commandment of them all. Jesus said love one another as I have love you and with that alone you are truly and fully loving God.
With that alone you will fulfill all of the law and prophets put together.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Un dia Mientras Oraba.
Un día mientras oraba por la gente escuche esta voz en conversación que me hablaba y nunca la pude olvidar.
La voz me dijo:
Todos los que confían de mi seguridad viven obsesionados con obtener mas de mi. Yo les doy con mi abundancia lo que nadie les puede dar en sus vidas. Yo les doy el poder y la confianza de sentirse importantes.
Mientras mas me abrazan, mas fuerte me aprietan codiciandome, simplemente no me pueden soltar. Siempre quieren mas y mas de mis promesas y nunca se sacian de mis placeres. Si los vieras como venden su integridad, abandonan su dignidad y hasta descuidan todos los que les rodean solo por ver tan solo un poco mas de mi dulzura. Los tengo cautivados y solo tienen ojos para mi.
Lo mas que disfruto es ver como se jactan de que son libres de mi poder!! Me gozo cuando le dan el crédito de mis maravillas a la competencia.
Yo los observo cuando me depositan en los altares pero yo tranquilo porque nunca me entregan ni me sacrifican en ellos.
Todo esto me conviene para que así nunca se den cuenta de que en realidad yo soy su único Dios.
Yo soy el todo poderoso el dinero y delante de mi no hay ningún otro.
(Mateo 6:24)
La voz me dijo:
Todos los que confían de mi seguridad viven obsesionados con obtener mas de mi. Yo les doy con mi abundancia lo que nadie les puede dar en sus vidas. Yo les doy el poder y la confianza de sentirse importantes.
Mientras mas me abrazan, mas fuerte me aprietan codiciandome, simplemente no me pueden soltar. Siempre quieren mas y mas de mis promesas y nunca se sacian de mis placeres. Si los vieras como venden su integridad, abandonan su dignidad y hasta descuidan todos los que les rodean solo por ver tan solo un poco mas de mi dulzura. Los tengo cautivados y solo tienen ojos para mi.
Lo mas que disfruto es ver como se jactan de que son libres de mi poder!! Me gozo cuando le dan el crédito de mis maravillas a la competencia.
Yo los observo cuando me depositan en los altares pero yo tranquilo porque nunca me entregan ni me sacrifican en ellos.
Todo esto me conviene para que así nunca se den cuenta de que en realidad yo soy su único Dios.
Yo soy el todo poderoso el dinero y delante de mi no hay ningún otro.
(Mateo 6:24)
Thursday, July 4, 2013
El espíritu de Judas Nos Habla Ahora!
Si Judas Viviera Que nos dijera o Que nos consejera no hacer ???????
Que piensas de esto y déjanos tu comentario en la parte de abajo
Que piensas de esto y déjanos tu comentario en la parte de abajo
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
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