Friday, December 13, 2013

A Tsunami of Grace- Waves of Grace

There is a wave of grace teachings that are quickly spreading through out the church of Jesus Christ. Many renown preachers and popular speakers are joining these teachings and supporting these doctrines almost as if a magical spell has fallen over their sermons, minds, and scripture readings. They now see the entire bible thru the false dichotomy of a conflict between the grace of God and the old testament law. They incorrectly define law as the rule of moral principles for behavior modification in the personal efforts to do good. And they wrongly interpret grace as the freedom from those regulations in absolution from any obligation to keep those standards. The tampering distortions of these biblical terms rob the scriptures of their original meaning, importing into the texts foreign ideas that were never in the minds of the original authors of the biblical canon. The end result is an unbalanced exposition of themes not researched, filled with a lot of exaggerations and a strong emphasis on half truths. For example Pastor Crefflo Dollar said in one of his grace series that the problem with today's Christianity was the mixing of the law with the grace of God and he used as proof text:(Revelation 3:15, 16 ASV)

I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So because thou art lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spew thee out of my mouth.

According to Dollar, hot is symbolic of the grace of God and cold is synonymous with the old testament law; therefore, God doesn't mind you being under the law or operating under His grace. The thing that makes God sick is that we are mixing the two into one. Now I know preachers like to make fanciful interpretations at times, overly emphasizing meanings to squeeze in esoteric views into their sermons but this exegesis is beyond bizarre. Why take an apocalyptic message from Christ Himself that clearly speaks about the pride and indifference of the Laodicean church and ignore the entire structure of the letter to extrapolate a view that is neither mentioned nor hinted in the text? This is not just an irresponsible reading, this is a total disregard for the value and meaning of the word of God in its original context.

If Dollar would have opened any biblical commentary to study the text carefully, he could have found out that the hot and cold phrase in Revelation 3:15 is a topographical reference to the Laodicean landscape. Their city lacked a good source of water supply in the region. So they had to either channel it from the quemically charged hot springs of Hiriepolis in the north or draw it from the cold snow cap mountains of Colosse in the southeast. The problem normally was that by the time the water reached the Laodicean territory, it was already warm and filled with the residue of chemicals that made those who drink out of the water sick to their stomach. The prophetic message to the church was making a comparison between their problem of water supply and their spiritual condition in the presence of God. The text has nothing to do with mixing anything. Nowhere in the passage the word grace, law or mixing is even mentioned in the rebuke. The scripture only speaks of the Laodicean works and attitude towards God that were at the time full of apathy and pride.

But notice how deceptive this interpretation of Dollar really is as he is obscuring a very powerful message of strong rebuke from the resurrected Christ to His Church. Christ is confronting the church for their works that according to Dollar are no longer necessary for a true relationship with God (Rev 3:1). Christ is addressing false doctrines of which the hyper-grace teaching could easily be included (Rev 2:14-15). Jesus is exposing the pride, arrogance, and indifference within His church that is still one of the main problems within the body of Christ today (Rev 3:17). But Mr. Dollar cannot hear any of these corrections and rebukes because he is too busy trying to find in the scriptures proof texts for his delusional grace vs law doctrine.

Now buying for a moment into the false view that the law is the problem with the church of Jesus Christ and that what we need today is more grace teachings, I ask myself the question, who exactly are the grace preachers talking to? Who are all the people that are burdened with moral standards and strict regulations about everything in life? The last time I checked, our modern churches, preachers and ministers included, are at an all time low in their moral and licentious living. What exactly do they all need to be free from?! Maybe their conscience? Or perhaps their shame? Is this really the great revelation that we all need to hear today? Don't bother anymore, ease your conscience?

Joseph Prince said in one of his messages that he tells people all the time that while they are watching pornography they should keep proclaiming that they are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. In other words, don't flee immorality, don't avoid the appearance of evil and don't stay away from iniquity but instead, as you are engaging in sinful behavior, keep on confessing grace because it is not about what you do with your body, it is about what you believe and confess with your mouth. Supposedly, anything else would be a product of will power and human effort which according to Joseph Prince is contrary to grace. Where exactly is the bible against discipline and human effort? Since when is it so wrong to invest effort and will into your Christian life? Isn't confession also human effort? Is not believing a part of your human will involving discipline and work? Are not the grace teachers boasting in their revelations and confessions as much as they are accusing others on boasting in their will power, works, and righteousness?

The first Christians, Paul, and the apostles included were all law abiding Torah observing Jews. They celebrated the feasts of Israel keeping the food laws and reading as their sacred text the Old Testament scriptures. Many of the debates, struggles and conflicts that we read in the new testament are not against moral restraints or even against codes of purity but instead they were all about the ethical issue of ethnic reconciliation. Now that Christ is risen from the dead, the division and wall of separation between Jews and Gentiles has been torn down and what defines the people of God is no longer Jewish ethnicity and not even faithful Torah observance but instead our faith in the Messiah evidenced by the witness of His Spirit. Therefore, works of the law such as the sacrificial system, circumcision, dietary rules are now relativize and no longer required of gentiles who thru faith are already accepted into the family of God. That does not mean no more keeping of commandments or freedom from any regulations that are uncomfortable to our flesh but instead it signifies a new and fresh empowerment to fulfill the will of God, keeping His commandments in the power of the Spirit. Thru Christ the law is now written in our hearts not to give us freedom from moral standards but for us to fulfill the highest of standards that was previously impossible to achieve because of the weakness of our flesh. Now because of our faith in Jesus we can receive and live by the power of The Holy Spirit, putting to death all the deeds and appetites of our flesh. That transformation, sanctification, and regeneration is what the true grace of God is all about!!

Paul who is read today as the hyper-grace champion was himself very strict with moral codes and kept a very high standard of purity among his churches. In 1 Corinthians 5:11, he instructs his readers to not associate with immoral Christians to the point that one is not to even seat to eat with them. In Romans 16:17, Paul urges to single people out who oppose the teaching and make sure to turn away from them. In 1 Corinthians 5:2, Paul judges a person and recommends for that individual to be excommunicated from the congregation. In 1 Timothy 1:20, he calls out people by name and pronounces them blasphemers, turning them over to Satan. In 1 Timothy 5:20, He instructs to rebuke people publicly because of their sins in order to cause fear to the rest of the congregation. In other words, by today's standards Paul could easily be called a legalist, a hater, and a religious Pharisee. Contrary to what Joseph Prince says about not putting any effort into our Christian lifestyle, Paul urges believers to seek holiness, pursue righteousness and put to death the deeds of the flesh. Notice just a few of the many instances where Paul makes exhortation about the importance of right just living.

Because we have these promises, dear friends, let us cleanse ourselves from everything that can defile our body or spirit. And let us work toward complete holiness because we fear God. (2 Corinthians 7:1 NLT)

For you remember what we taught you by the authority of the Lord Jesus. God’s will is for you to be holy, so stay away from all sexual sin. Then each of you will control his own body and live in holiness and honor— not in lustful passion like the pagans who do not know God and his ways. Never harm or cheat a Christian brother in this matter by violating his wife, for the Lord avenges all such sins, as we have solemnly warned you before. God has called us to live holy lives, not impure lives. Therefore, anyone who refuses to live by these rules is not disobeying human teaching but is rejecting God, who gives his Holy Spirit to you. (1 Thessalonians 4:2-8 NLT)

[i]Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry:For which things’ sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience…But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth. Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds. (Col. 3:5-9)

God, who will render to every man according to his deeds: to them who by patient continuance in well doing seek for glory and honour and immortality, eternal life: but unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath, tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doeth evil, of the Jew first, and also of the Gentile;but glory, honour, and peace, to every man that worketh good, to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile: for there is no respect of persons with God. (Rom. 2:6-11)

Monday, December 2, 2013

"Dios me dijo"

"Dios me dijo" -- descaradamente esa es la manera en que los manipuladores irreverentes se atreven justificar su irresponsable conducta defendiendo los atrevimientos de su desenfrenada manera de vivir. Antes de blasfemar una autoridad divina que no nos corresponde tomar por favor consideremos con respeto:

1. Dios no contradice su palabra y lo que habla siempre es consistente con su carácter y revelación ya expresada en las sagradas escrituras.

2. Dios no viola su propio orden ni deshonra sus autoridades desacreditando y minimizando la función de su liderazgo.

3. Dios no fomenta los caprichos de la carnalidad ni auspicia las agendas inspiradas en la rebeldía y en el auto engaño.

4. La palabra de Dios siempre imparte su naturaleza divina. La inmadurez, las divisiones, las ofensas, la indiferencia y la maldad no son frutos de la autentica voz de Dios.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Best Church Money Can Buy

The Best Church Money Can Buy

So I am looking at a huge building on tv packed with thousands of people and I tell a friend sitting next to me, "Look at that! Is that not an amazing church?" He looks back at me smiling and answers, "Yes, that's the best church money can buy!!"

The best church money can buy:

1. If you remove the salary from its staff, you would lose the majority of its leadership to the next highest bider.

2. Without the fancy building, the expensive sound system, and the state of the art technology, 80% of the membership would decrease in church attendance.

3. They resolve everything by throwing money at problems, replacing pastoral care for social work, and creating the illusion of compassion by marketing faith and selling spirituality.

4. With their million dollar budget they schedule the celebrity preachers and famous artists that no other church can afford to buy so that way they can increase their popularity, gaining more influence within the star driven, ego intoxicated gospel culture of today.

5. Always removes all inconveniences, fixes all difficulties, and creates a comfortable experience for people that avoids the testing of their faith, eliminating the human challenges that create the potential for true spiritual growth.

6. It's members reflect the vision of their church, constantly living for themselves and seeing others only as a means to reach their individual aspirations, pursuing the fulfillment of all their personal goals at any cost.

7. Their success is carefully measure by numbers, always evaluating the size of their bank accounts, the salary of their leadership, and the lifestyles of their members.

 Also Read purposeless-state-of-reality-biblical.

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Thursday, November 14, 2013

16 Maneras Que Satanás Tratara Para Destruirte

                              16 De Algunas de Las  Maneras Que Satanás Tratara Para Destruirte

Él es la serpiente , el Gran Dragón , Belcebú , el príncipe de este mundo , el príncipe de la potestad del aire , el malo , y el adversario . Él es Satanás. Y , si usted es un seguidor de Jesucristo el te odia con una pasión . Como un león rugiente  que está rondando alrededor tratando de destruirte. ¿Cómo puede mantenerse firme y resistir al diablo y  él huirá de vosotros ? En primer lugar , no seas ingenuo , sino que debe considerar sus caminos.

1.) Él puede tentar a engañar a los demás con el fin de crear o mantener la impresión de ser más espirituale que los demas. (Hechos 05:03 ; Jn 08:44 ) .

2.) Él puede corromper tu mente y mantenerte alejado de la sencillez de Cristo y de su Evangelio ( 2 Corintios 11:3).

3.) El puede luchar contra usted, la lucha en contra de su crecimiento en Cristo ( Ef 6:12 ) .

4.) Él te  puede tentar a cometer inmoralidad sexual en contra de tu cónyuge como consecuencia de dejar de lado la intimidad del matrimonio ( 1 Corintios 07:05 ) .

5.) Él te puede molestar con algún tipo de aflicción carnal ( 2 Corintios 12:7) .

6.) Él puede cegar los ojos espirituales de su familia que no son salvos , sus amigos y vecinos para que no puedan ver la gloria de Jesús en el Evangelio ( 2 Corintios 4:04 ) .

7.) El puede mantener a tus conocidos no salvos en la esclavitud de los pecados que les impiden llegar a Dios ( Gálatas 4:08 ) .

8.) Él te puede herir con la enfermedad física (Lucas 13:16; Job 02:07 ) .

9.) Él puede matarte (Sal 106:37 ; Jn 08:44 ) .

10.) Se puede sembrar cizaña [ cristianos falsos , hijos del maligno ] dentro de la asamblea de los creyentes con el fin de engañar y crear la desunión (Mt 13:38-39 , 2 Corintios 11:13-15 ) .

11.) Él te puede llevar hacia el compromiso teológico al causar que usted confie con la falsa doctrina y sus maestros ( 1 Tim 4:1-3 ) .

12.) Él puede perseguirte por tu consagracion a Dios  (Apocalipsis 02:10 ) .

13.) Él te puede tentar a hacer el mal (Mateo 04:01 , 1 Tes 3:05 ) .

14.) El  en este momento - te anda rondando para  capturarte y destruirte , principalmente a través del orgullo (1 Pedro 5:6-8 ) .

15.) El te puede utilizar con el poder de la persuacion  para moverte lejos de la voluntad de Dios (Mateo 16:21-23 ) .

16.) EL puede tratar de paralizar tu eficacia a través de la confusión , el desánimo y la desesperación ( 2 Corintios 4:8-9 ) .

¿Cómo puede mantenerse firme y resistir al diablo para que huya ? La Biblia exhorta a los creyentes a la guerra contra los enemigos de la fe por no permanecer ignoramos sus maquinaciones ( 2 Cor 2,11) ; presentando a Dios (Santiago 4:07 ), siendo sobrio y alerta y resistentes a él ( Efesios 4:27 ; Jas 4:07 ; 1 Pedro 5:08 ).

5 Piezas defensivas de la armadura y 2 armas ofensivas : Debemos ponernos la armadura de Dios , que incluye las armas de defensa de la verdad , la rectitud, la proclamación del evangelio , la fe y la salvación. También hay que emplear las armas ofensivas de la espada de la Escritura y la oración ( Efesios 6:11-18 ) . Estos son los únicos medios por los cuales podemos permanecer firmes contra el diablo . " Por último , hermanos míos , fortaleceos en el Señor y en el poder de su fuerza" ( Efesios 6:12 ) .

                              Ver Tambien los dioses Caidos(la Caida de Satanas Con los Angeles)

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Pastors Of L.A (Reality Show) - New Reality Show?

Pastors Of L.A (Reality Show) - New Reality Show?

Reality tv? There is nothing real about scripted story lines and contrived plots created for the fleshly entertainment of a worldly audience. Why do you think these specific individuals were chosen for the preachers of LA reality show? I am sorry to burst your bubble but they were not chosen because they were so godly, anointed and special in the kingdom of God. In fact 3 of the lineup preachers have multiple scandals under their name and 2 of the last 3 live and preach under what might be considered very extravagant and extreme circumstances. These individuals are all very carefully selected because of their particular personalities, their intense dispositions and their outspoken mentality. All these scenes and scenarios you see on your screen are the invention of creative writers and the intentions of innovative directors who have an agenda and mind of their own.

What is their goal? What exactly is their specific aim? Mainly, their interest is the manipulation of emotions, the induction of personal conflict, and the sensationalizing of characters for the necessary drama that can manufacture public interest in their new reality tv stars. Preachers of LA is not a Christian show even by the admission of some of the very participants of the show. It is at best a bad soap opera and at worst a sick joke on the true Christian Church of Jesus Christ. The exploitation of the suffering and pain of people for the profit of fame and the market of tv ratings is not a genuine expression of the loving ministry of Jesus Christ. How preachers today are exposing their families and their member's lives for the amusement of secular producers and the mockery of our depraved American pop-culture is a new low even for our modern versions of Christianity.

      Read Part #1

Perhaps the most amazing and interesting feature of this insane spectacle is the delusional state of mind of the participants of the reality show, preachers of LA. They sincerely believe that they are accomplishing a great work for the Lord. They cannot even realize the mockery they are making of themselves! I imagine they reason among themselves that going to 80 million homes, appearing on multiple media events and promoting their new image of reality stardom is a great opportunity for them to proclaim the blessing of the Lord on their lives. After all, the spirit behind most of the preaching done inside our churches today is driven by the exaltation of self, the glorification of our ego, and the promotion of human success at any or at all cost. Therefore, what better manifestation of all these virtues than becoming a reality star on your own reality show!!

I don't know what is worse, that all of these preachers are so self-deluded that they actually believe that this is a great new ministry venue for the church or that the Christian world is so blind and naive that they cannot see thru the smoke and mirrors created by the preachers of LA?

Monday, September 16, 2013

Purposeless State of Reality/ Biblical Criticism

Purposeless State of Reality/ Biblical Criticism

There are some similarities between what evolution has done with biology in the scientific field and what biblical criticism is attempting to do with hermeneutics in the field of biblical theology. For example, I see they are both tackling the question of origins and the powerful evidence for the inspiration of the creator by obscuring the vision of the divine behind all the information found in both the natural and scriptural revelation.

 They are both appealing to the view of random blinded processes involving slow modifications that always get further away from the original state of things, distorting the beauty of God's clear message in exchange for a view of a chaotic and confusing purposeless state of reality. 

The objective behind these theories is to remove and blur the perspective of God from both the inspiration of the scriptures and the divine design found within creation. If nature and the text were randomly modified from generation to generation, then what confidence or substance can be left within the content of their revelations for us to have reverence, respect and worship in a personal intimate relationship with God? The alternative to this would be a deist version of a god that is some how involved but ultimately, hopelessly removed from the events of both history and humanity. 

This to me is the obvious way modern man resolves his issues with morality and idolatry. Who cares what the text says about my iniquity if maybe there was another version that did not mention some of the sins I read in my scriptures today. Who cares what I do with my spirituality and my version of god if we are all an evolving soup trying to modify our view of god and ourselves in the gradual process of a random meaningless existence. There are many responsible models for evolution and biblical criticism but I feel I wrote too much already, so I will let the rest of those who read draw the final analysis of these thoughts into their logical implications and proper blessed, keep your peace and I pray we all stay focus in the faith that was once delivered to us.

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Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Coming of Christ

The Coming of Christ

When the bible talks about the return of Christ it uses the words apokalupsis, epiphaneia and parausia. These three words capture the paradoxical insight of the “already/not yet” tension within the Kingdom of God.

 Perhaps a better way to understand the coming of Christ is to grasp the power, significance and influence of the fact that the King and His Kingdom has already come in all His fullness in Christ and as a result of what has already happened thru His work and person, He has not stop coming to all His creation ever since. 

He is still showing His glory in revelation-- apokalupsis. He is still manifesting Himself to the worshipper--epiphania and His royal procession keeps arriving thru out all of His territory within creation in great visitation and demonstration of His presence and power--parausia. There will be one last final push in all of this birthing process that will like none other in the resurrection of the dead, the transformation of the cosmos, and the destruction of evil.

 But perhaps we have focused so much in this final moment that we have isolated and narrowed Christ’s coming into one single event, disconnected from all that He has already done and is still trying to do throughout all the earth through us. 

What if this last final scatological birthing push is in reality the accumulation of all previous divine interventions, reaching a climax thru our Kingdom participation in the fulfillment of our responsibility and vocation in the great commission? Is this too optimistic? Is this just not realistic enough for us? If this view is the real case scenario, then we have to get off our lazy couch and go to work because we still have a big job to do in this world!! Let us discovered the true meaning of that old first century short prayer Maranatha!! Our Lord cometh!! Even so, come Lord Jesus!!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Los 9 Departamentos Del Alma

9 Departamentos del Alma

Oprah's Winfrey Joining Bishop T.D Jakes.

 Oprah's Winfrey Joining Bishop T.D Jakes.

TD Jakes recently appeared on an Oprah life class show alongside a line up of various spiritual gurus. He was not there to present an alternative response to their heretical positions neither to counteract their deceptive perspectives on God and spirituality but to stand in agreement with them in discussing principles about success, inspiration and empowerment for life. His participation on the program not only gives the appearance of endorsement for these different erroneous teachings, it also collapses the Christian worldview down the level of the humanism of today's pagan mysticism.

It seemed that TD Jakes is slowly testing the waters, experimenting towards making the crossover moves that so many other ministers have unsuccessfully attempted to undertake. Selling books, making movies, partnering with secular artist and playing the role of a life coach and motivational speaker more than operating in the office of a shepherd or speaking as a prophet to his generation. His latest conference event named Mega Feast is not only hosting a secular concert including various Rmb artists but is also incorporating one of Oprah's own life class sessions.

 You can Also read :Joel Osteen is a Friend of sinners

Maybe the rationale behind all this latest ministry spectacle is simply to expand the influence of his outreach message towards a bigger audience. Or perhaps his justification is to create a new platform for Christianity to help society find the principles and truths that could impact their state of mind and benefit their way of life in the world. While the motivation seemed sincere and the intention might be noble, the effects and results coming out of this unholy mixture could be more problematic than profitable. We should all know by now that the answer to our decaying and corrupt culture is not better counseling or more practical good advice but a radical transformation of the heart, possible only by the power of a face to face encounter with God.

We've seen before how preachers turn into politicians and psalmists transform themselves into artists. Always seeking greater stages and supposedly pursuing wider venues, they often end up loosing more than what they gained. Their gift is reduced to entertainment and their grace is distorted into a charismatic product of the market. Their delegated authority is demoted into personal opinion and their vocational calling is turned into a professional public career. When the salt loses its flavor, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot (Matthew 5:13).

Seeking to become relevant, we often pollute our distinctiveness. Attempting to win the world, we end up loosing our own souls, compromising our integrity and forsaking our uniqueness. As a minister, it is one thing to lust after the worldly ambition of today's immoral culture. It is quite another thing to stoop so low as to promote that carnality inside your own ministry, endorsing and selling pseudo spirituality within your Christian audience.

We are so confused and twisted today that now the world looks like the church and the church looks like the world. It is not accidental nor peripheral that the scriptures clearly admonish against friendship with the world constituting it as enmity against God (James 4:4, 1 Thessalonians 5:22, 2 Corinthians 6:14-18). It looks to me like it's time that we go back and focus on our consecration and reclaim afresh our true legacy of holiness and purity in the pulpit. Let's get the leaven out and see our lives rededicated to God in Spirit and in Truth once again.

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Check More Post at  Reality Of God Church

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Joel Osteen is a friend of sinners

Joel Osteen is a friend of sinners, that's what pastor Phil Munsey declared on a Charisma magazine article. His ministry therefore is similar to that of Jesus Christ--misunderstood, criticized, and persecuted by the religious crowd. The online article goes on to name a list of very impressive exploits and accomplishments done by Joel and his ministry. The number of achievements is so amazing that one is left in total admiration and respect for all the work that the Osteens have done. The overall view and feel of the entire online post is one of awe. Basically, what is being stated indirectly is that Joel Osteen is the spokesman for Christianity, the new representative of God to the world.

Whether the writer intended it or not, the conclusion one derives from the article is to deduce that the kind of none offensive, never confrontational, always seeking to be liked work done by Joel is the type of ministry we should all be endorsing and promoting in our churches today. In that light, Jesus came to the world so you can be a better you, have your best life now and live every day as if it was Friday.

I honestly don't see here any parallel between Joel's being a better you and Jesus denied yourself and pick up your cross message. Osteen gets treated by most as a celebrity, selling millions of books while appearing on Oprah and Larry King live. He then stands before a camera and avoids saying anything that may be interpreted as offensive or confrontational to anyone and somehow that makes him the friend of sinners? I guess instead of fulfilling Ezequiel 3:18-19 now we should embrace Joel's cookie fortune gospel of having worldly success and seeking a healthy self-esteem.

Oprah's Winfrey Joining Bishop T.D Jakes.

Jesus was casting out devils, raising the dead, cleansing the lepers and proclaiming the Kingdom of God. He was calling sinners to repentance and while dethroning the powers of darkness, he was exposing corruption within the religious order of his day. He was not killed because He was a nice peasant with good sayings and healthy advice. The reason Jesus was called the friend of sinners was not because he was super sensitive, avoiding confrontation and always telling people what they wanted to hear. Jesus was known as the sinners friend simply because he never rejected anyone who was willing to come to His fellowship table to commune with Him and follow His kingdom teaching (Mark2:13).

There are many good things that can be said about a person who brings inspiration, motivation and encouragement to the world. The achievements and contributions done by a leader should always be commended and celebrated by others seeking to better their community and help society. But let us not play games, seeking to redefine Christ's work and His cross message to now conveniently accomodate to our new personal and private interpretations of the gospel. This Messianic stature attributed to Osteen by his pal Phil Munsey is more than overreaching, it is debasing and demeaning to our Lord and Savior. Let's draw the line and learn how to differentiate between the human and the divine, the good and the great, pleasing man is not the same as pleasing God, seeking the glory of man is not the same as pursuing the glory of God. Joel maybe good and even great at what he does, but he is no Jesus.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Are Mormons Christians? Yes......No

Are Mormons Christians? Yes......No

Joel Osteen says Mormons are Christians because they believe in Jesus. But the question is what kind of  Jesus is that? The gospel has a very specific content that if changed or distorted it ceases to be the good news and it becomes something else (Galatians 1:6-9).

Mormonism is not Christianity. Usually we make fun of or look down on those who preach, teach and put emphasis on doctrine. But look where we are at today!! This is exactly what the supposed fanatics always warned us about. When we dumb down our faith, anything and everything is passed as gospel truth. We are coming into a very interesting time in American history. Think about the day when the Mormons will come to your home and say, “Good afternoon! How would you like to know some more about the faith of our president?” Some Christians and evangelicals are helping that day come into a reality by acting as though Jesus was a Republican. I don’t care about Romney being president, but I do care about believers acting as though Mormonism is Christianity’s twin sister only because they need to reconcile their presidential candidate with their Christian faith.

Joel Osteen when asked about Joseph Smith and the bible he said he doesn’t know much about all of that. When he used that excuse, before I was sympathetic, he did not go to school, he is just getting started maybe he will get better with time. But now I am getting just a bit annoyed with this attitude. How long has this guy been in ministry already? How much money is he making? Go open a bible, buy a book, and hurry up and figure out what you believe!!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Quieres Llevar Tu Matrimonio a Otro Nivel ???

Quieres Llevar Tu Matrimonio a Otro Nivel ???

En estos tiempos difíciles donde el enemigo trata de destruir los matrimonios tenemos que estar preparados para hacer guerra espiritual y estar de pie y que los matrimonios dentro del cuerpo de Cristos estén bien fundamentados en la palabra de Dios. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

True Love Comes From God.

True Love Comes From God.

If I gave everything I have to the poor and even sacrificed my body, I could boast about it; but if I didn't love others, I would have gained nothing. (1 Corinthians 13:3 NLT) True Love Comes From God.

How can anyone sacrifice their own life for others and yet have no love? Our altruism could very easily be born out of the deceptive motive of the lust for hero worship. There is also the martyr's syndrome, someone pretending to suffer for others only to get attention or pity for the absorption of their own pain. Sometimes it's harder for us to live for God than it is to give ourselves in sacrifice, dying for Him. Therefore, our suffering cannot be a coping mechanism for escapism, cowardliness, or deliverance from guilt as these mechanisms could readily become a real danger in our spiritual quest for genuine expressions of the love of God. Our motives and incentives are just as important as our ethical values, character, and behavior. Even in suffering, the cause promoted, the image represented, and the vision endorsed must always be in alignment with God's divine nature. Although, Jesus' calling was to serve others and give His life as a ransom for many (Mark 10:45), the way he did it was just as important as what he did. Christ could not make a spectacle out his own vocation, throwing Himself down from the pinnacle of the temple (Matthew 4:5-6), neither could He allow others to cast Him down by force just because he loved them ( Luke 4:28). These were all counterfeits and false imitations of His real and ultimate call of dying on the cross for humanity in the perfect revelation of the love of God. It could not be done by external force neither by an internal Messianic complex but only out of obedience to His God given vocation. Only as an extension of the overflow of God's love in His heart can he truly say, "No one takes my life, I lay it down voluntarily of my own accord," (John 10:18).

If love, even in an ultimate sacrifice, is so tricky, how can we then learn to love like Jesus loved (John 13:34)? The answer is that we must learn to live like Jesus lived. Two specific ways come to mind:

1. Jesus lived the cross-shaped life of discipleship. Obedience is better than sacrifice but that does not mean that obeying is not sacrificial. Self-denial and total surrender to the leading of God's Spirit is the best expression of a true loving sacrifice. Our modern versions of the gospel constantly seek to advanced the promotion of our own agendas, looking for the exaltation of our best interest and pursuing the massaging of the flesh instead of the crucifixion of it. When we yield in consecration to our discipleship, God will give us His divine nature, showing us how to truly love not in our own strength but according to His divine power.

2. Jesus lived the lifestyle of intercessory prayer. The best gift I can offer the people I love is to pray for them. Because God can love them in ways that my limited mind does not understand. When I lay down thru intercession my own carnality, selfishness and personal ambition, I not only released the will of God for those I pray for but I also ascertain the heart of God for them, loving them with God's perfect love. Prayer is not just the vehicle to change things; it is also the primary tool God uses to transform us to learn to love others the same way He loves us.

Monday, August 5, 2013


The false prophet lacks accountability, controls people and pursues money.

The false prophet changes his message according to his audience desires recognition and seeks acceptance.

The false prophet endorses political agendas, compromises truth and rejects correction.

The false prophet neglets the oppress ignores the poor and minimizes responsibility towards children, families and marriages.

The false prophet in self delusion is inflated with the sense of self importance justifying himself with scriptures and believing God is on his side.

The Fathers House

Imagine a location were love is received in the most pure and genuine ways. There you find no worries, neither anxiety, nor even fear, only real peace, fullness of joy and total trust are your constant delight. In that place absolute security is the dominant experience and complete rest is the ultimate state of being. There you encounter strength, sustenance, acceptance and passion that makes you feel fully alive to yourself and the world around. Where are you? Where is such a place? Heaven? Close...but not exactly. We are talking about the Father's house, Christ's dream home for us, the place where heaven and earth come together (John 14:2-3).

How do we get there? Well, that is when it gets tricky because we are not talking about an area we can go visit but the image of someone we are supposed to become like. The Father's house is not a piece of property but the image of a person we inhabit and get indwelt with, Christ in us all the hope of glory. But the question remains how do we get there? First, contrary to what we've been told, this kind of reality does not come cheap. We must be willing to let go of everything. Yes, let it all go, and not just the evils of pride, anger, strife, envy, lust and sinful behavior. But also all the false hopes, the deceitful ambitions , the counterfeit dreams that promote themselves as good and important for our lives. All those things that always seduce our souls, making us promises of well-being that compete against the real fulfillment and satisfaction that can only be found in Christ. The idols, the false gods...they must all come down. We must forsake all that controls and dominates our affections and yield in radical abandonment and extreme surrender to the cause and person of Christ.

The Fathers house is made out of purity and holiness, built from the revelation of spiritual intimacy and passionate worship. It's construction is grounded on perfect love and everlasting unity. The strong pillars of this sacred habitation are loyalty and faithfulness (1Peter2:4-5). Only the very meditation of the fellowship and communion that is enjoyed in this beautiful home is an indescribable bliss. The participation in the construction of this glorious building will always be compensated with everlasting rewards. There is no other goal, vision or project in life that is more valuable than the privilege of obtaining membership within this our Father's house (Ephesians2:18-22). I wonder how many of us can truly say that we are working every day on becoming builders of this marvelous edifice or seeking integration to this eternal habitation of God?

This home is accessible, available, it's been made ready and fully equipped for your accommodation. The Father has no other expectation or anticipation than continually waiting and making preparations for your arrival and permanent stay. I think is time we return back home to where we belong. Let us go back to the place of stability, comfort and safety. Let us returned to our spiritual family and our spiritual home within the Fathers house. (Revelation3:12).

Friday, August 2, 2013



El pastor Jeremías Steepek (foto) se disfrazó de mendigo y fue a la iglesia de 10 mil miembros donde iba a ser presentado como pastor principal por la mañana. Caminó alrededor de la iglesia por 30 minutos en cuanto ella se llenaba de personas para el culto. Solamente 3 de cada 7 de las 10.000 personas decían "hola" para el mendigo. Para algunas personas, Él les pidió monedas para comprar comida. Nadie en la Iglesia le dio algo. Entró en el templo e intentó sentarse en la parte de adelante, pero los diáconos le pidieron que se sentase en la parte de atrás de templo. Él saludaba a las personas que le devolvían miradas sucias y de desprecio al mirarlo de la cabeza a los pies.
En cuanto estaba sentado en la parte de atrás del templo, escuchó los anuncios del culto y luego en seguida el liderazgo subió al altar y anunciaron que se sentían emocionados en presentar al nuevo pastor de la congregación: "Nos gustaría de presentarles a ustedes al Pastor Jeremías Steepek". Las personas miraron alrededor aplaudiendo con alegría y ansiedad. Fue cuando el hombre sin hogar, el mendigo que se sentaba en los últimos bancos, se colocó en pie y comenzó a caminar por el corredor. Los aplausos pararon. Y todos lo observaban. Él se aproximó al altar y agarró el micrófono. Se contuvo por un momento y dijo:
“Entonces el Rey dirá a los de su derecha: Venid, benditos de mi Padre, heredad el reino preparado para vosotros desde la fundación del mundo. Porque tuve hambre, y me disteis de comer; tuve sed, y me disteis de beber; fui forastero, y me recogisteis; estuve desnudo, y me cubristeis; enfermo, y me visitasteis; en la cárcel, y vinisteis a mí. Entonces los justos le responderán diciendo: Señor, ¿cuándo te vimos hambriento, y te sustentamos, o sediento, y te dimos de beber? ¿Y cuándo te vimos forastero, y te recogimos, o desnudo, y te cubrimos? ¿O cuándo te vimos enfermo, o en la cárcel, y vinimos a ti? Y respondiendo el Rey, les dirá: De cierto os digo que en cuanto lo hicisteis a uno de estos mis hermanos más pequeños, a mí lo hicisteis."
Después de haber leído el texto de Mateo 25:34-40, Miró a la congregación y les contó todo lo que había pasado aquella mañana. Muchos comenzaron a llorar, muchas cabezas se inclinaron por la vergüenza. El pastor dijo entonces: "Hoy veo una reunión de personas, y no a la Iglesia de Jesucristo. El mundo tiene suficientes personas, pero no hay suficientes discípulos. ¿Cuándo ustedes se convertirán en discípulos?". Luego después, encerró el culto y se despidió: " ¡hasta la semana que viene"!
Ser cristiano es más que algo que usted defiende. Es algo que se vive y comparte con otras personas.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Pastors Of L.A (Reality Show)

Pastors Of L.A (Reality Show)

I recently saw an interview with Bishop Noel Jones about his upcoming reality show, there he insinuated that believers were hypocrites because they still read Psalm 23 knowing that the author, King David, was an adulterer and murderer and yet they reject preachers when they discover their individual faults and public sins. I find interesting that there is always this curious tendency by preachers to desire to compare themselves to King David. This to me seemed to come across as irreverent of the scriptures, presumptuous of their own hearts, and arrogant in the face of God. Before we cast ourselves inside the shoes of any biblical character to invoke their iconic mantle upon us, let us first take into account the whole of their life story and not just selectively choose what best accommodates our preferences and justifications.

For example: 1. God said of David that he was a man after His own heart. David never said that of himself. How can we then claim for ourselves the specific grace of God's dealings with the king when we don't bare any resemblance to the image of his unique testimony. 2. David was confronted and underwent tremendous repentance. Being restored after his fall, he did not remain in his state of rebellion (Psalm51). Living under the shadow of multiple scandals, lack of accountability, and constant defiance to any questioning or scrutiny by others, presents a very different attitude than that of King David when he was confronted by the prophet Nathan (Psalm32). David experienced incredible pain, suffering and consequences as a result of his disobedience--he did not go unpunished without any guilt. Few people like to talk about the deep agony of soul, the tremendous diminishing of emotional and physical health that the king experienced. His kingdom was divided, one of his own sons rebelled against him, there was constant distress in his household, and the child born from his adultery ended up dying as a result of the consequences to his sins. Not exactly a beautiful life to have after moral failure.

How convenient for the preacher to omit this facts, David very similar to Saul is one of many kings who nearly lost it all, if not for the mercy of God. The testimony of the scriptures was not given for the justification of our wickedness neither for the covering of our rebellion. It was given for our example, so we don't repeat, emulate or duplicate the mistakes of the past lest we suffer similar condemnation. (1Corinthians10:1-13). Preachers need the same forgiveness, restoration and redemption that is offered to all fallen human beings. Yet their restitution must be first to a state of real repentance and sincere devotion to their communion and relationship with God, not to a job a title or a position in their profession of ministry. The question of continuing office, service or ministry should fall under a different category in a secondary plain, only addressed after the person has truly gone thru a transformation of character and a real rededication to their commitment and consecration to God. He that desires the office of a bishop desires a good thing but the overseers, must first and foremost, be above reproach (1Timothy 3:1-7).

Friday, July 26, 2013

Carta De Un Hermano Tibio?

Carta De Un Amigo

Hola ayer fui a la iglesia estuvo muy bien vi a mis amigos y a la muchacha que me gusta, la predica estuvo muy bien, la verdad el pastor contó unos chistes buenísimos como nos hizo reír.

Perdón no me presente mi nombre es “tibio” y pertenezco a la iglesia "dormida y apartada" mi pastor es buenísimo predicando los últimos best seller del mercado cristiano, recuerdo que una vez predico un joven de la iglesia llamado "fiel" su predicación fue muy diferente a las del pastor, hablo de santidad, compromiso, algo nuevo para todos, recuerdo como se enojo mi pastor con el, que porque había hablado de esa manera a la iglesia le dijo, jeje pobre "fiel" lo disciplinaron por eso.

Dentro de las cosas que fiel hablo recuerdo algunas que dijo como...
Hay que nacer de Nuevo
Hablo sobre la sangre de no se quien.... eso si se me olvido
Hablo sobre el perdón de pecados
Sobre el compromiso de vivir en santidad y honestidad
Hablo sobre el infierno algo que nunca había oído en mi vida!

Bueno creo que por eso lo regaño mi pastor, esos temas a quien le importan ahora, yo soy cristiano desde los 5 años, mis papas y yo siempre hemos ido a esta iglesia, mi papá es el copastor y nos dice que el pastor no es religioso que por eso estamos ahí, el no se escandaliza si alguien de la iglesia se emborracha o hace algo indebido, mientras valla a la iglesia el domingo y diezme no hay problema dice el.

Hay que hacer la iglesia atractiva nos dice, no hay que espantarla con sermones bíblicos, hay que darles el mensaje de una manera mas efectiva y alegre.

Dice que de la venida de cristo no nos preocupemos que falta mucho para eso, no puede venir todavía por la iglesia nos comenta.

Bueno me dio gusto saludarlos, espero pronto escribirles de nuevo, haber que día nos visitan tendremos un congreso sobre profecía y guerra espiritual y también un seminario de cómo ser prósperos en la crisis, lo dará un amigo de mi pastor, el profeta “orgullo” de la iglesia “vanidad”

Su amigo y hermano en cristo.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

"God loves Barabbas."

"God loves Barabbas."

I recently saw a message on YouTube that seemed to be getting a lot of buzz called "God loves Barrabas." I am sure that for most people at first glance, this word comes across as a beautiful exhortation about forgiveness mercy and reconciliation. Yet as I carefully listened to the preaching, I could not help but notice how subtle and crafty were the specific words chosen by the preacher delivering this sermon. "The love of God," he said, "is so inclusive, scandalous, wide, even when not being acknowledged by others etc..." These words are all common, coded statements used by speakers when they seek to announce incognito the doctrine of universalism. The belief that all will one day ultimately be saved by the love of God.

"We are all Barrabas," the preacher said, "Go on living your life because Jesus already paid it all. Why else,"the preacher argues, "would this name and his deeds be mention in relation to Christ in the scriptures if not to symbolize our lives that can now go on to be free from guilt even if we don't recognize what Jesus has done for us?" Well, I will argue that in the text of the scriptures, Barrabas does not represent how sinners, humanity or Christians can go free without guilt. To the contrary, this man's freedom exemplifies the apostasy of all those who rejected Christ's work and vision of salvation for Israel. He is like the old testament scape goat that was cut off, excommunicated from the congregation, never to return to the camp. He is not free from the guilt--he is condemned to forever carry the load and burden of all its evil (Leviticus 16).

The writers of the gospels are very careful to illustrate how this criminal represents the irony and confusion of how the masses did not understand Jesus' message. Very much like today, little or nothing has changed. See, Jesus was perceived as a threat to the Powers of Rome and a misleader of the Jewish nation. The truth was that Barrabas, not Jesus, was the real threat to the Roman empire, the actual revolutionary causing Israel to go astray into the kind of war that will cause the destruction of the nation. This was the very destruction that Jesus warned will come upon all the people unless they repented from pursuing their aspirations for revolution. The freedom of Barrabas constituted the abandonment of their Messiah and the ultimate down fall of the Hebrew people.

They should have followed Jesus' path and model of sacrifice, non-violence and self-denial, if they wanted his salvation and free gift of eternal life. They were supposed to repent, turn around from their evil ways and follow his example of the suffering servant on the cross. Did they repented? No, they asked for Barrabas and we are ironically still asking for the same today. They wanted to go on pursuing revolution and we like them desire to continue engaging in the corruptions of our sinful life-styles. Letting Barrabas go free was the judgement and condemnation of Israel and the rejection of Christs' work, sacrifice, and mission towards the Jews. Let his blood be upon us and our children the crowd said (Matt 27:15-26). The blood was indeed given for them and their children but not so they could go on unregenerate, unrepentant, and unchanged but so they could experience the transformation of Christ's power in a new way that will enable them to become God's true covenant people. This is the same mistake we are engaging on today, treating the blood and the sacrifice of Christ as something common that removes our shame but does not require our transformation. Consider this scripture:

Dear friends, if we deliberately continue sinning after we have received knowledge of the truth, there is no longer any sacrifice that will cover these sins. There is only the terrible expectation of God’s judgment and the raging fire that will consume his enemies. For anyone who refused to obey the law of Moses was put to death without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. Just think how much worse the punishment will be for those who have trampled on the Son of God, and have treated the blood of the covenant, which made us holy, as if it were common and unholy, and have insulted and disdained the Holy Spirit who brings God’s mercy to us. It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God. (Hebrews 10:26-29, 31 NLT)

El Arca de Salvación

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Pastor Of L.A ( Reality Show)

Would you let cameras inside your home, to record the intimate affairs taking place inside your own personal life? Would you engage in partnership with the world, to let secular producers create the image of Christianity they saw more marketable for their carnal agendas? Well, believe it or not, bishop Noel Jones and bishop Clerence McClendon are coming out with a new reality show call pastors of LA. Is anybody, anywhere capable of defending and justifying this latest act of mockery and ridicule of the Christian faith?

So let's give credit to bishop McClendon in a recent interview he tried to defend his latest reality show appearance. More impressively he even attempted to justified his behavior on scriptural grounds. Thou I sincerely appreciate that the bishop is still reading the bible, attempting to make decisions in his reading of the scriptures, this new revelation of his seemed hermeneuticaly flawed. According to McClendon people wanted to know where Jesus, this great prophet of Nazareth was living, so Jesus replied come and see(John 1:39).

There it is!! God wanted for pastors to have reality shows!! Really!? When Christ invited the people to his house he was speaking to disciples, who by the way were in the process of becoming his own followers for his inner circle. It was a very intimate, private and personal gesture that won their hearts over to encounter a deeper connection and relationship with Him.

The scripture Mccledon is using would actually make the opposite point that he is trying to convey. Christ actions were not public it was only for the ones who desire to know Him in his unique purpose, teaching and apostolic partnership. But even if we were to accept this text on grounds of principle as a validation for allowing cameras into your home. What did the disciples found in Christ house? Divorce? Carnality? Drama? Lavish life styles? No. They found the glory of God. They saw a holy and consecrated life upholding his vocation full of grace and truth. Not exactly what pastors of L A illustrate in their reality show. If you don't have anything to show of Christ virtue in your life then close the doors of your house.

Monday, July 22, 2013

The Love Of God

I believe our God is hidden within every human relationship we encounter in life. 

But often we fail to recognize the beauty power and truth of such reality, specially when we abuse and neglect the communion and fellowship with those that are close to us. 

The truth is, the distance between us and God is easily seen and reflected in the distance we create between us and those around us. The more intimacy we experience with God the more openness you will encounter with those God appoints to your life. 

Therefore segregation and isolation can only mean degradation and spiritual perversion. 

Jesus gave us only one new commandment and none other is needed, in fact this one mandate covers all of the rest, including the first and greatest commandment of them all. Jesus said love one another as I have love you and with that alone you are truly and fully loving God. 

With that alone you will fulfill all of the law and prophets put together.